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Writer's picturedinda krismonica98

Sailing Trip Permit to Indonesia

Updated: May 21, 2024

  1. Register & Fill Out Vessel Declaration Before you sail to Indonesia, there are several important steps you need to take. First, it is necessary to clarify with the relevant authorities. Next, you need to fill out a ship declaration form. The Ship Declaration is a tool provided by Customs for several purposes:  - Documenting information about the ship and its equipment. The information provided will be checked by Customs officers during the check-in and check-out process. It is important not to sell or dispose of the items listed in the Declaration while in Indonesia.  - Providing evidence that you have alternative means to leave the country other than a plane ticket.  - Providing an Arrival Notification. Most visa agents require a copy of the Ship Declaration as part of the documentation to obtain a visa, making it the initial step in the process. To begin, visit the Ship Declaration System website (known as Yachters) at Make sure to confirm the verification email you receive after registering. If the link in the email fails, you can verify by copying the URL from the email and replacing it with the VDS URL. Then, complete the captain's information, ship information, and your sailing details. Ensure you have ship photos and Captain's photos in JPG format, a copy of the ship registration in PDF format, a copy of the vaccination certificate in PDF format, and your arrival plan at Indonesian ports along with the dates. After creating a login, you can sign in and update your crew information and sailing plans. Make sure to submit the Declaration officially before leaving the last port before your arrival in Indonesia. This is your Arrival Notification and must be submitted in a timely manner. Remember to note your login so you can access the Ship Declaration System while in Indonesia to report your location to Customs every 6 months. The clearance process must be completed prior to the arrival of the vessel at the destination port. This involves notifying all relevant departments, such as immigration, customs, and maritime police. Below are the documents required for the clearance process: - Copy boat registration - Copy passport of you and your crews - Vaccination proof of captain and crews - Copy boat insurance - Copy of health insurance of Captain and crew (if any) - Year of built for the boat - Length, breath and depth and weight of vessel - Crew sign on place and date - Photo of the boat - Captain photo - Call sign and MMSI number - Captain postal address and contact details and mobile number - Last port before Indonesia - First port in Indonesia - Estimation Arrival Date in the first port in Indonesia - List of islands intend to visit in Indonesia and estimation arrival date in each islands - Last port in Indonesia - Estimation Date of arrival in the last port in Indonesia - Next port after Indonesia - Medicine list - Good list - List of good that will be dismantled in Indonesia - Is there any weapons or magazines on the boat (if yes, it will need to be declared) - Clearance OUT document from the last port before Indonesia Before sailing to Indonesia, it's important for all crew and passengers to ensure they have the appropriate visa. Here is a list of countries eligible for obtaining a visa upon arrival in Indonesia :  South Africa,  Albania,  United States,  Andorra,  Saudi Arabia,  Argentina,  Armenia,  Australia,  Austria,  Bahrain,  Holland,  Belarus,  Belgia,  Brazil,  Brunei Darussalam  Bosnia Herzegovina  Bulgaria,  Ceko,  Chile,  Denmark,  Ekuador,  Estonia,  Philipines,  Finlandia,  Guatemala,  Hongkong,  Hungaria,  India,  Inggris,  Irlandia,  Italia  Islandia,  Jepang,  Jerman,  Cambodia,  Canada,  Kazakhstan,  Kenya,  Kolombia,  South Korea,  Kroasia,  Kuwait,  Laos,  Latvia,  Liechtensien  Lithuania,  Luxemburt  Makau,  Maladewa,  Malaysia,  Malta,  Maroko,  Mexico,  Egypt,  Monaco,  Mongolia,  Mozambik,  Myanmar,  Norwegia,  Oman,  Palestina,  Papua Nugini,  Perancis,  Peru,  Polandia,  Portugal,  Qatar,  Romania,  Russia,  Rwanda  San Marino,  New Zealand,  Serbia,  Seychelles,  Singapore,  Cyprus,  Slovakia,  Slovenia,  Spain,  Suriname,  Swedia,  Swiss,  Taiwan,  Tanzania,  Thailand,  Timor Leste,  RRC,  Tunisia,  Turki,  UAE,  Uzbekistan,  Ukraina,  Vatikan,  Venezuela,  Vietnam,  Jordan,  Grece Immigration will conduct visa checks for every individual entering, and some countries may utilize Visa on Arrival. However, it is important to note that not all ports provide Visa on Arrival services. Therefore, if you are from one of the eligible countries for Visa on Arrival, you must ensure that you have obtained the e-Visa on Arrival (e-VOA) in advance. E-VOA is valid for 30 days and can be extended up to 60 days. Tourists have the option to use a type C visa for the extended stay, allowing them to stay for 60-180 days after the extension process. For those from countries eligible for visa on arrival or not, the indofastpermit service is available to assist in obtaining E-Visa more easily.

  2. Staying In Indonesia Longer than 30 Days 2.1 Visa on Arrival Extended The visa on arrival can be extended once, which means the total stay can be extended to 60 days using the visa on arrival. However, as a more recommended alternative, it is to obtain the Electronic Visa On Arrival (eVOA) online. The eVOA application process can be easily done through the online platform, and we are ready to assist you every step of the way. Applying for eVOA has advantages compared to obtaining a visa on arrival at the port. With eVOA, you can extend your stay for an additional 30 days online without visiting the immigration office, which certainly saves you time and energy. Thus, choosing eVOA is a more practical and efficient option for those who want to extend their stay in Indonesia. B211 Visa Visa for those who plans to visit Indonesia for the purpose of tourism Stay :  Up to 60 Days (extendable) Processing time  - Most tourist visas are processed within 3-5 working days.  - We will contact you when your visa application is completed.  Your visa application may take longer to process if the information required for your visa is incomplete or missing. With this visa you can  : - Visit family or friends.  - Visit Indonesia for the purpose of tourism.  - Attend meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an atendee. You must  : - Be staying in Indonesia for visit purposes only.  - Be financially sufficient during your stay in Indonesia.  - Comply with all visa conditions and Indonesia laws. Other information  : - You can extend this visa or convert it into another visa or stay permit.  - You are prohibited from staying in Indonesia after your stay permit expires. - You are prohibited from carrying out any profit-making activities in any form.  - You are prohibited from attending events as a speaker.  - Performing prohibited activities, not complying with the terms of your visa, and/or not complying with the laws of Indonesia may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges. Document Requirement : - Passport that is valid for at least 6 (six) months (for holders of travel documents other than passports such as emergency passports must be valid for 12 months).  - A recent color photograph.  - Proof of living expenses at least US$ 2,000 (two thousand United States Dollars) or equivalent; Visa Validity  : - This visa must be used within 90 days from the date of issue.  - Please note that the visa validity period is different from the period of stay, kindly check your visa for the period of stay Information. We, Indofastpermit is a reliable solution for all your visa needs and help you with all the paperwork and permit you need for sailing to Indonesia. You can reach us via phone at +6221-50103126 or WhatsApp at +6282236948200. Our team will be ready to assist you with any questions or needs regarding visas and your permit. - Follow us on instagram @indofastpermit to get the latest updates, tips, and important information about Indonesian rules and regulation. Checking in to Indonesia The Official Procedure Here is what the VDS website “Recommendations for Foreign Yachts” document, downloaded from the Vessel Declaration website in Oct 2021, says about checking in:  A minimum of 24 hours must be given prior to the arrival so that harbor master, immigration, quarantine and customs are notified of your arrival and have the prepared documentation. This process should enable the entry process to be completed within two hours.  On arrival, code flag (Q) must be raised. Yachts should anchor or moor at their nominated port of entry specified on the vessel declaration after completing the yachts registration online.  The yachts owners or appointed representative should then report to quarantine and provide a completed medical declaration.  The captain and crew should then report to the nearest immigration office and provide 3 (three) copies of a crew list, valid passports and vessel declaration ready to be stamped.  The captain must then report to customs and provide 2 (two) copies of the signed vessel declaration certificate and passport copies.  Customs officers will inspect the vessel and then provide a stamped copy of the vessel declaration and a customs clearance certificate.  The harbor master should then be given the stamped vessel declaration and customs clearance certificate and signed crew list from immigration.  Once this procedure is complete your yacht is free to move about Indonesia without reporting to another harbor masters until you are ready to exit from Indonesia permanently.  Yachts are free to move about the Indonesian archipelago up to 3 years but the captain or his representative is required to report to customs by email at the entry port of first arrival every six months. 3.2 Helpful Hints on Checking In 1) Prior to entering Indonesia, ensure that you possess a boat stamp. Customs specifically requires the captain to sign and affix a stamp to documents 2) Before you leave internet in your port of departure, pre-download stuff to your smartphone  Google Translate with the pre-downloaded dictionary for Indonesian.  Google Maps for your port of entry. The maps help a lot to locate offices and ATM’s, before you get a sim card in Indonesia. 3) Cash is crucial in most places, especially in the cruising areas of eastern Indonesia, as few places outside major hotels and resorts accept credit cards. Therefore, you'll rely primarily on cash for transactions. ATMs are available throughout Indonesia. Indonesian ATMs typically dispense a maximum of Rp 2,500,000 in Rp 100,000 bills per transaction (approximately US $185 at current exchange rates). Some ATMs may only dispense Rp 1,250,000 in Rp 50,000 bills per transaction. This limitation applies to the ATM itself, not your credit card, allowing you to conduct multiple transactions within your bank's limits. Look for ATMs labeled with "100,000" on the face for higher denominations. References  : Indonesian Immigration Site: Indonesian COVID rules site:  Indonesian Customs Site: Indofastpermit Contact Information  Website:  Email:  Whatsapp: +62 82236948200  Facebook:   Instagram:  Tiktok: indofastpermit

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